Floritam grass
John M. Jones – posted 18 July 2004 07:19
What can I use to rid my floritam grass of weeds. I have tried several products but they all seem to harm the grass. It there a product available either in concentrate or pre-mixed to use on my lawn. I live in Florida.
Thanks,J. M. Jo*********@ao*.com
Alex_in_FL – posted 19 July 2004 20:22
What kind of weeds do you have? How often do you fertilize? Do you have a sprinkler system?
You can use atrazine and image but knowing what weeds you have makes it easier to answer you.
JJ – posted 20 July 2004 09:39
UOTE]Originally posted by Alex_in_FL:What kind of weeds do you have? How often do you fertilize? Do you have a sprinkler system?
You can use atrazine and image but knowing what weeds you have makes it easier to answer you.[/QUOTE]
Alex, In my lawn I have some dollars weed and other. Not to sure what type of weeds they are. Atrazine—where can I purchase this and I guess I miss it with water??
Alex_in_FL – posted 20 July 2004 12:57
Atrazine is available at Walmart, Ace hardware, Home Depot, etc for about $6/pint. If weeds are spotty then mix 2 gallons in a sprayer full and spot spray. If everywhere then use a garden hose sprayer and spray entire yard. Best times are late in evening or early morning during summer.
Image is about $20 a bottle (buy at same locations). It also kills nutsedge. You can mix image and atrazine together but atrazine will likely cure your problems. If you use both, mix 3/4 of recommended amout of each and spot spray.
Wear gloves, and glasses and washup after use — just standard precautions. You can also add 1-2 drops of dishwashing liquid to help dissolve the chemical.
Image takes weeks to work, Atrazine a few days. Let me know how it goes.
StevieD – posted 26 July 2004 08:57
FWIW, I live in Florida and have Floratam St. Aug. grass. I mix atrazine and Image, using both products at full strength. It seems to be a good combination for me.
I usually spray about once every 6 weeks.
I am still having difficulty with Bermuda grass in my St. Augustine yard. I’m thinking about using Prograss & atrazine next spring to combat it.
e8x72nbp3 – posted 30 December 2008 10:52
Spectracide makes a product called Weed Stop for St. Augustine and xxx that they tell me is atrazine and safe for Floritam (variety of St. Augustine).
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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