fig whitefly/Bayer testimonial
d.k – posted 02 June 2010 08:28
While not strictly a nuisance to lawns,fig whitefly has become a real problem here in So Flo the past year or so, decimating thousand of folk’s ficus hedges and trees (makes them drop leaves and look like drying out and dying from lack of water) and hanging out in nearby lawns to gain access to water under our waterrestrictions and lay eggs.
My neighbor’s hedge was pretty badly afflicted this spring– and the whiteflies were spending time in my lawn overnight on watering days.
Recently though, I noticed the neighbor’s hedge making a dramatic comeback, and the fly count was also down quite a bit in my lawn.
I got a chance to ask him on Tuesday what he had used on the hedge,and it turned out to be a Bayer liquid. While he didn’t remember the specific product, he did say that it says “kills white fly” on the label.
Thought some of you might be able to use this information to help if you are having a problem with this as well.
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