Fescue sod laid over rye grass lawn
Jerry Butts – posted 06 May 2015 17:43
Can I lay Fescue Sod directly over a Rye Grass lawn? The yard has several OLD elm trees with roots near surface making the job of tilling the soil to prep for new sod nearly impossible.
Phil Busey – posted 08 May 2015 12:34
Jerry, generally the rule for any kind of resodding is to remove enough of the existing grass so that the new sod can be in contact with the dirt so it can get its roots down firmly into the soil. Tillage is also helpful in heavier soils and this can be as good a time as any to loosen up the soil. You have a special situation and should not messing around the tree roots. The ryegrass should get smothered well by the new sod and the only downside is that if the ryegrass is well developed there is a potential for root rotting disease under the new sod or the new roots of the new grass may want to just sit up high were it is moist. I just wouldn’t mess with the tree roots, and take a chance that the new sod will take.
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