Empire Zoysia
TNJDM – posted 31 January 2011 09:13
Anyone have experience with it in transition zone?
Area 7 on the “zone” map
mrmumbels – posted 31 January 2011 16:40
I would guess it would do fine in the summer but would probably take a little while to come back in the spring. I’m in Tampa and I hate that it’s slow to come back here but I’m comparing it to St augustine and Bahia. You may be surrounded by other grass types that come back slower in the spring.
TNJDM – posted 01 February 2011 15:30
Thanks MR I am an ex-floridian transplanted to TN.
So it goes doemant in Tampa. Wow. When does it come out of dormancy and totally green up in Tampa?
mrmumbels – posted 01 February 2011 20:03
yup, it freezes down here now. I think we got 10 frosts just in Dec.
I believe it starts to green up around march-april for me but isn’t nice until june. I’ve got root issues due to sandy soil though so It may be slower.
TNJDM – posted 02 February 2011 08:47
Damn Global Warming
mrmumbels – posted 08 February 2011 08:10
I’m actually starting to get some greenup already this year.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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