Dry Patches Centipede
scubadiva – posted 05 June 2008 16:59
In the last couple of weeks, we have noticed large dry patches in our centipede lawn and it seems to be spreading. Our lawn is relatively new (3rd summer).We have an irrigation system, so I don’t believe the lawn is lacking water. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
cohiba – posted 06 June 2008 05:41
I would try a few things:
1. Make sure your irrigation is set correctly, coverage is correct and there are no irrigation problems.
2. Is the area a straight line or is it a patch shape? It could be insect damage. grubs, nematodes, etc. I have had isolated dry spots on several areas of the golf course that I know are nematode related. I suffer through with extra water during the hottest periods.
3. Was there a tree or other excavation done on the site? The spots could be soil related, maybe a pool was there and the sand left over has made the soils hydophobic? If so wetting agents may help there.
Without really seeing the area it is hard to tell you exactly what is wrong.
Good luck and let us know how you made out.
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