
Dealing with drought and water restrictions

Dealing with drought and water restrictions

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seed – posted 05 March 2001 07:20

Sporadic rain in southern Florida has been a relief, but will not make up for severe water depletion that has occurred in some areas, such as the Tampa Bay area, going back for three years. Lawnowners will continue to suffer at least until June, when some analysts doubt that the return of summer rains will make much difference in the already depleted Lake Okeechobee, and diminished groundwater reserves.

There is no known panacea for dealing with drought, there is no potion that can be sprayed on the lawn that will make much difference in water requirements, root system, or the survivability of the lawn. The basis of good water management comes down to having the right tools, e.g., a functioning irrigation system, e.g., “Fix your sprinkler system . . . so you can shut it off!”http://c-11.org/restrictions/

Although written for residents of the C-11 Basin West (in western Broward County), the use of a properly tuned sprinkler system can help conserve water anywhere.

To give more consideration to need for water in lawns, and the effect of not watering, please check these articles: “Water (part 1 of 2): How much?” http://floridaturf.com/staugust/water.htm and “Water (part 2 of 2) Killing the lawn” http://floridaturf.com/staugust/wilt.htm This two-part series describes the normal process of water use by turfgrass, and how many days it takes to kill a lawn by not watering it.

Another resource is:”Irrigation Conservation in Best Management Practices” (BMPs) http://c-11.org/conserve/ Ten simple things you can do to conserve water, starting with shutting it off.

Drought Resistance and Landscape Water Conservation: An Opinion Essay http://c-11.org/drought/ Basically, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. An attempt to dispel common irrigation myths. With associated slide show: Lots of water but seasonal drought http://c-11.org/landscape/ A photo-illustrated guide to the principles of irrigation and water loss by turfgrass.


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