Cultivars for MD
stallen – posted 15 September 2001 09:58
I am a property owner in Southern Maryland and am looking for advice onwhichturf grass cultivar (or cultivars) that would be the most appropriatefor mysituation.
Basically, I am in need of the most bullet-proof grass that I can get. Thesoil conditions on my property are poor, consisting primarily of sandwithlittle or no top soil. Further, because of its size, it is difficult toprovide adequate irrigation other than what is received naturally. In addition, there are several swails in place to carry away storm waterwhich I would like grass to fill in to retain soil and slow the flow of water. The property backs up against some woods, so portions of the grass receivefull sun, while other areas are fairly shady and are in constant competitionwith other species invading from the woods (e.g., wild strawberry).
Over the past couple years I have experimented with tall fescue(primarily K-31 and REBELS 3D), perennial rye, and a few other strains. While theseseem to do okay when first seeded (i.e., fall-spring), much of it dies due to doheat, drought, disease, etc. during the summer months. Therefore, there hasnot been the opporunity for the grass to really establish itself.
In short, what I think I’m looking for is a cultivar or mix of cultivarsthatcan thrive in very poor soil conditions, withstand heavy wear (includingmowing by tractor), survive periods of drought, heat and the full sun, andgrows an agressive root system that can retain soil and withstand storm run-off. Any suggestions? Would some sort of mix like what is used on roadsides be appropriate?
Any advice would be appreciated!
September Planter – posted 28 August 2002 16:17
I am an experienced amateur who also lives in So. MD. Here are some thoughts:
1) Plant the first week of Sept.2) Stay with the tall fescue3) Fertilize and Lime 2-4 times per year: Sept., Nov., Feb., Mar.4) Aerate 1-2 times per year if you have clay5) Expect the grass to go dormant in late summer
Good luckMike
frenchman – posted 28 August 2002 21:44
GO WITH EL TORO ZOYSIA, very aggressive root system and will grow in just about anything, You will either have to sprig it or sod it.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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