Terri – posted 13 March 2001 08:51
I had been using Chem-Lawn to get rid of my crabgrass — it has just about taken over all of my yard. What can I do without using them again, to kill this and get a beautiful green grass lawn to grow?
GLJones1 – posted 22 March 2001 10:23
I use Image on my St. Augustine lawn to get rid of Crab Grass. Works well but it does take several treatments and several months to do the job. Image is available at Home Depot and other yard maintenance stores.
Grassyman – posted 19 April 2001 10:12
Hello,I have a question about crabgrass and centipede grass? I put down a pre emergence and it seems to have stalled or killed my centipede from turning green? Any thoughts?Scott
seed – posted 19 April 2001 17:30
Scott, what preemergence chemical did you use? Thanks, Phil
Burlap_Etc – posted 08 May 2001 22:17
Terry, I wish I could give you he same answer as you just got but I can not. I have yet too see Image be effective on Crabgrass! If that was the case those of us in Florida would be very happy. But I guess repeated applications of anything will kill anything if you know that I mean. I cant imagine the St. Auggie not being effected. The product that we used was called Asulox and a great thing it was! But now believe it or not we are not left with anything. If the spots are small cut out both ends of a coffee can and put it over the Crabgrass and spray it with Roundup! After it is dead put a plug in the spot you wont even now what happened.This brings me to Pre-M. O Yes a birth control for weeds! These products cover a wide verity of weeds and they stop the seeds from germination. This will help slow down any blow in but what is there must be controlled! This brings me to my next point and possible answer for the next question asked. Please read next entry. Burlap_Etc
Burlap_Etc – posted 08 May 2001 22:31
Grassyman, This one’s for you!More than likely you did not use Ronstar as your Pre-M application. This is one of the only products you can put down on new sod or at the time of sprigging. Go ahead ask why.WHY? Ronstar will not restrict root development. Why am I telling you this. Well more than likely the product you used did exactly the opposite of Ronstar. It restricted root development. Ah Ha see. Now if you feel that some is good and more is better you made a oops-ie this time. Drop the Pre-M and hit it with some liquid fert to get it moving. And when it responds get a good 1 to 2(example 9-2-22) fertilizer down and lets talk about Diving next time. Burlap_Etc
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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