What pre-emergent should I use
Rieja – posted 20 January 2010 14:24 I live in central FL with a St Augustine floritam lawn. Last year the crabgrass from my neighbors lawn found its way into my lawn around the...
Rieja – posted 20 January 2010 14:24 I live in central FL with a St Augustine floritam lawn. Last year the crabgrass from my neighbors lawn found its way into my lawn around the...
teacher_man – posted 29 January 2010 19:03 I bought my first house about four years ago after graduating college. Sadly to say, I havent taken good care of the grass since Ive been living...
kitmit27 – posted 29 September 2009 16:24 I applied Ironite to my St.Augustine lawn last Fall, and apparently used the wrong spreader setting. I put down way too much and my lawn has been...
BFOSTER – posted 30 September 2009 18:03 Due to water restrictions and a severe drought in Central Texas, I’ve watched my healthy, St. Augustine yard die a slow death over the Summer. I’m left...
my308 – posted 06 October 2009 12:53 How can I positively identify Seville from Floratam? I recently had 16 pallets of sod placed in my back yard that is now dying in the shaded...
seareel – posted 12 October 2009 15:16 Can someone help me identify what this is in my grass and how to prevent it?http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv184/CReelSr/October122009052.jpghttp://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv184/CReelSr/October122009057.jpghttp://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv184/CReelSr/October122009058.jpghttp://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv184/CReelSr/October122009059.jpg This fungus/mushroom appeared following a long drought and we finally got...
Geep – posted 21 October 2009 09:10 What is the least amount of sunlight needed for seville sod to survive? saltcedar – posted 01 November 2009 07:08 Generally 4 hours of Full Sun or...
hawkman – posted 03 November 2009 18:59 If a Golf course is next to your property and they use bermuda grass for their rough, is it possible to keep bermuda grass off of your...
ifr18 – posted 21 September 2009 18:48 Can someone help me diagnose my grass problem? I think I have brown patch but I’m not an expert. Here are some pictures I uploaded. http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad171/ifr18/photo.jpg http://s933.photobucket.com/albums/ad171/ifr18/?action=view¤t=grass.jpg...
brownlawnmiami – posted 27 September 2009 15:01 In two years I have re-soded my yard twice. It just recently died again. I have been living in my home for 15 years and this is...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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