Category: Tall fescue

Tall fescue, Lolium arundinaceum (syn.  Festuca arundinacea), is a cool-season perennial bunchgrass that obtained strong acceptance as a turfgrass from 1980 to 1990 as a result of breeding success by Dr. C. Reed Funk and Dr. William A. Meyer, in the creation of cultivar ‘Rebel’ and other so-called “turf-type” cultivars. Previously tall fescue occurred mostly as the pasture cultivar ‘Kentucky 31’ and was mostly a nuisance weed of Kentucky bluegrass lawns. After the revolutionary development of the turf-types, there was expansion in the Midwestern United States because of superior heat and drought avoidance and extensive use in the transition zone. By 2005 tall fescue became the most widely planted turfgrass in North Carolina, with over 1 million acres (Tredway et al., 2005). For more on this development, see Morris, 2015 and Cook, 2005.

There are drawbacks. The shorter, denser cultivars are more prone to brownpatch disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani, so there has been movement back to intermediate stature plants. Tall fescue has been considered invasive in natural areas and was designated the “Weed of the Week” on 10/24/2005 by the USDA Forest Service. Finally, multiple serious livestock disorders are associated with the endophytic fungus Neotyphoideum coenophialum (syn. Acremonium coenophialum) which occurs in some tall fescue cultivars and cultivars in some other Lolium species.


brown fescue

lbphathead19 – posted 06 October 2013 01:20 75 % of my tall fescue front lawn is very healthy. However i have a few spots that have turned brown and straw like. I live in...



Evergreene – posted 01 June 2008 12:00 What is the best fertilizer application for sodded bermuda? I have a newly sodded yard with lots of fesque and weeds and have heard that a huge...


tall fescue sod

purebeach – posted 01 April 2009 12:42 I layed sod down the right way this weekend on saturday, I watered it like I got told to do but not on sunday or monday, I...


Fescue yellowing/dying

turfmike – posted 02 May 2009 12:40 Hello, this past fall (Sept) I overseeded with a fescue blend Definace XRE – it was doing great up to last week when we had a 4-5...


Too late to sod with fescue?

brscott – posted 20 May 2009 08:16 The subject says it all. I’ve got bare dirt to be tilled with compost/peat, and wanted to put tall fescue down. Is that a mistake this late...


killing fescue

dwoods – posted 24 May 2009 16:40 How can we kill the fescue that is in our centipede? tommy – posted 25 May 2009 18:39 Use ‘Image’ herbicide, for St Augustine and centipede. There...



vewalden – posted 05 July 2009 07:45 I just moved into a new manufactured home on 3/4 acre. When they put it here and backfilled against the blocks, there is an area that is...


Growing grass

B Opal L – posted 15 January 2007 21:26 Science Project Growing grass. Put grass seeds in soil, sand and woodchips. After 9 days of watering the containers the grass started to grow. Then...