Poanna and Feskew invasion
Enginole – posted 26 March 2009 06:18 True Green came by and said I had them in my lawn and seeing as my lawn is currently the only green one in the neighborhood, I...
Enginole – posted 26 March 2009 06:18 True Green came by and said I had them in my lawn and seeing as my lawn is currently the only green one in the neighborhood, I...
OdessaTx5407 – posted 01 April 2009 16:00 I have recently moved into a new home and would like to fertilize my yard and kill the weeds. I have no idea if I have BERMUDA...
pigeonboy69 – posted 10 January 2009 10:05 I planted Princess 77 and have weeds in a few places. Mostly Crabrass and Nutsedge. I was looking for anyone with experience with 77 to recommend granular...
redscot68 – posted 22 January 2009 06:34 I am looking for the best overseeding mix for my area/climate, I’m in Houston Tx, Hot Humid summers, cool (rarely freezes for more than 2 consecutive days)...
skubler – posted 14 March 2009 14:40 How would I go about overseeding my existing centipede with Bermuda? OR, how can I kill off the centipede without hurting Bermuda? Turfguy_UF – posted 19 May...
turfguy – posted 14 November 2008 12:38 Hey,Ok, so i’m trying to find good venders of Sod in the Southwest, and I found these guys Evergreen Turf. Has anyone heard anything about them? You...
cm – posted 22 November 2008 09:17 Hi I have a lawn that was installed with Celebration sod in the spring of 2008. I live in San Antonio and I think I do a...
goheels93 – posted 05 January 2009 18:03 I live just outside of Charlotte NC and planted my side yard in Triangle Bermuda last year. It did very well, but I am looking to going...
BarbaraYar – posted 03 October 2008 20:36 We are about to have some st augustine sod laid in our backyard in Spicewood Texas, hill country and I want to know if this is a...
windstrings – posted 06 November 2008 13:51 I currently have Bermuda, but hate the ugly winters here in Central Texas just S of Fort Worth, so I planted Perennial Ryegrass but its only coming...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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