Bermuda or St. Augustine?????
OdessaTx5407 – posted 01 April 2009 16:00
I have recently moved into a new home and would like to fertilize my yard and kill the weeds. I have no idea if I have BERMUDA grass or ST. AUGUSTINE grass. Can anyone help me solve this because I do not want to place to wrong fertalize or weed killer on my yard. Please Help…
tommy – posted 02 April 2009 21:43
Post a picture if can, or do your own Google search. There are usually good pictures of grass types on the internet. Use ‘Scotts plus 2’ on bermuda or ‘Ortho weed B gon spot killer for St Augustine’. Later on (in 6 weeks or so) use ‘Image’ for control of weedy grasses. Regular Image for bermuda, and there is a special product Image for St Augustine.
[This message has been edited by tommy (edited 02 April 2009).]
[This message has been edited by tommy (edited 02 April 2009).]
gabrielzorz – posted 04 May 2009 10:45
Email me a pic and I will tell you. PM me for my email address.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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How do you post pictures...found link to images, but still unable to post pics.