Can you combine Rye and Bermuda
adseamo – posted 29 March 2010 16:42
I am building a house in central South Carolina and my yard won’t be ready for seed until mid-Aug. My builder will sow Rye, but I was wondering if I could mix a hybrid Bermuda with it and then re-seed in the spring of 2011? Will the Bermuda take over the Rye?
turfgrass – posted 29 March 2010 17:25
if you’re using bermuda seed, you aren’t getting a hybrid bermuda. It’s just an improved variety of common bermuda.
the ryegrass will burn off in the summer months and the bermuda will take off.
why not just buy sod?
adseamo – posted 30 March 2010 00:35
I would love to have the convenience of just laying sod, but the cost is twice as much, from the figures I’m getting here. A 500 sq ft pallet will cost 110 each and I will need 10 just for the backyard (4800 sq ft), that does not include the PROPER prep that needs to take place nor delivery. A 25ib bag of Bermuda Grass Seed Blend cost appx 325 and will cover 10000 sq ft. plus prep. It’s all about cost these days.
adseamo – posted 30 March 2010 01:53
As a follow-up question, can I use less sod and place it in a checkerboard pattern and be established quicker (than seed)? That way I could keep my cost lower but I don’t know if I’m gaining anything by doing that. Any ideas?
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