Can someone please identify my Bermuda Grass please?
KerryS – posted 02 October 2009 14:56
So, over the past couple of years we have seeded our back yard with several different types of Bermuda Grass. The first one looked great for a year and then it started looking a little scrappy and we also redid an area of our yard that needed lawn and we couldn’t remember what seed we had laid down, so we had to use a different one. We laid the seed down in the new top lawn and it’s okay….. but….. we had an old small bag of seed that we threw down over bald areas on the old lawn and a big area which was just weed to simply get rid of the seed as it was going out of date. It wasn’t watered and we did nothing… we just left it. It’s gone insane and it looks wonderful!!!! It’s very invasive and is taking over everything, but being in Florida and trying to conserve water, this lawn is fabulous.
We want to put it out the front of the house where we currently have only weeds because nothing else seems to want to live. The Bermuda Seed we put out there two years ago and again last year didn’t take even with regular watering.
Trouble is, we have no idea WHAT this Bermuda Grass is…. lol. It’s lovely and thick and yet it curls in on itself in places… perhaps when it’s low on water? It’s a wonderful grass though.
Here are pictures….
You can see on the last two pictures a little of how it curls… and the last one also shows side by side a curled area and the normal grass (it was all straight in the height of the summer when we were getting a ton of rain)
Thanks in advance!!!
[This message has been edited by KerryS (edited 02 October 2009).]
GSU Eagle – posted 28 October 2009 13:11
That is not Bermuda grass! It looks like Centipede.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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