California Trimmer Gone?
AZBermudaman – posted 30 April 2007 16:27
In researching reel mowers, someone told me California Trimmer is going out of business?
tommy – posted 02 May 2007 14:38
You might also want to consider keeping a rotary and a reel. The rotary can double as a sweeper,(vacuum) and the reel could be the main cutting machine. Rocks are definitely a no no with a reel mower! Make sure they are raked off before cutting. Somtimes you can get a used Mclane for $200, but Trimmer and Tru cut are usually two to three times more than that. Also make sure you get a model with 7 blades.
AZBermudaman – posted 03 May 2007 09:57
Thanks for the advice – I think I’ll keep my rotary for vacuuming when needed and invest in a used rotary for the real cutting like you suggested. A couple of local dealers have several Tru Cut commercial & homeowner models as well as Mclane and 2 CA Trimmers.
The Tru Cuts are around $550. I might be able to talk them down. They all look to have a lot of reel life left.
There was a super clean Mclane for $350.
The Trimmers look pretty old and the one is only a 5 blade…
I don’t know how these prices stack up… Any input?
AZBermudaman – posted 03 May 2007 09:58
whoops – I meant invest in a used reel
tommy – posted 03 May 2007 23:02
Those prices sound about right. Tru cut mowers are really well built, but they tend to pull the operater around when the drive is engaged. I always thought they should be geared down a bit. Trimmers are much more comfortable to operate, and Mclane is not bad either. The Mclane may be your best option……especially since a new model would cost you around $700
AZBermudaman – posted 07 May 2007 10:17
Thanks for the help!
I picked up a used Mclane 20″ with the 3.5 B&S engine in practically mint condition for $350 from a local Mom & Pop shop (I love supporting the local small businesses!)
I couldn’t be more pleased. No stone misshaps and a great cut! Perfect for my home use application.
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