Brown/yellow patches in inherited st. augustine yard
jacksonreb – posted 21 June 2008 13:05
I just moved into a home this past march. I am a first time homeowner so I need some help. My backyard has become increasingly yellow and brown in large parts of my yard. THe patterns are irregular, so I don’t think it is brown patch. I did the cinch bug test, no cinch bugs floated up. I thought it may be lack of nitrogen, but it seems to have gotten worse since I applied Scotts turf builder. The yard gets a good amount of shade, and I noticed when I water that it stays wet for quite some time. The grass comes out easily, but the runners underneath are still green. I may have overwatered which may have led to whatever problem I have. Any ideas?
copperjohn – posted 23 June 2008 08:34
Are you able to post some pictures? If so, take some close up (close enough to be able to see lesions on the leaf blades) and some from a distance.
Mr. Green – posted 29 March 2009 06:35
Our entire neighborhood has had problems with brown patch over the past few years. I have tried various fungicides and found one that stands out above the rest. It’s organic and made from garlic (stinks too). My neighbors have been resistant to trying it because of the price and probably the smell. It works incredible well though.
My yard now stands out as the best in the neighborhood. Whenever I see neighbors outside I yell out, “look at mine…it’s the Greenest of the Green!” You gotta have a little fun in life.
Garlic GP is available at
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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