Brown spots and Fungus
hgiljr – posted 11 August 2007 07:21
Hello all. Please see all my pics below:¤t=DSCF1198.jpg
Living in SFLA, it has been raining a lot and at the same time I know I was overwatering (learned my lesson) the lawn with my sprinklers. THey are turned off now. FIrst time home owner, with fresh lawn well 3 -4 months old now. So how do I treat this? I have already fertilized the lawn using Lesco 24-2-11 about 3 weeks ago. So how do I treat this? Do I just use the Immunix (not sure the spelling) to cure the brown spots and fungus? Any help appreciated. I also mow it weekly since it is a bear to mow every 2 weeks. I did do a spot check for Chinch bugs and nothing.
swflawn – posted 15 August 2007 05:36
Spray with subdue then water in.
hgiljr – posted 15 August 2007 06:38
Thank you. Now what is subdue and where can it be purchased if it is a product?
brevard – posted 23 September 2007 19:22
I have something going on very similar to the pics shown.
Please Advise
toughguy5 – posted 30 September 2007 07:58
same problem here,please advise
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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