
Brown patches coming from neighbors’ yards

Brown patches coming from neighbors’ yards

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atoner – posted 04 August 2006 18:07

Thanks in advance for the help.

I have some patches of brown creeping into my fescue yard from my neighbors’ yards. This has happened to varying degrees for the past few years in the hot, humid summer. It follows the drainage slopes on the sides of my yard.

I figured it was fungus, so I started spraying with Immunox for lawns a few weeks ago. This seems to have helped, especially on one side. Things are much worse on the other side. As you can see in the pictures below, the brown is actually creeping from two houses over. There’s a stain that runs across their driveway, brown patches through my neighbor’s yard, across their driveway, then brown patches into their grass and mine.

Here are picures. You can see the brown grass and grey stuff that looks like fungus or webbing. There are some bugs near the soil if I get into the dead parts.


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