Browm Patch ??
dan162 – posted 15 May 2007 20:19
Hi I live in Tampa FL and have St Augustine lawn. Every year in Spring at at particular spot in the backyard I see the lawn sort of dying out and then I have to replace it with Sod. It grows well in summer and Fall and then in Spring it dies.
This spring around end of Feb there was a freeze where the temp may have fallen to the low 30s for a couple of hours. I saw a fine coating of frost on the lawn. This disappeared in a few hours as the sun rose. The next day I saw part of the lawn getting browm from the stem onwards. This eventually spread to cover nearly an area of 150 sq ft. I am not sure if this is Wnter freeze rot or Fungus or SAD or chinch bugs.
I was getting on this Organic treatment and so was hesitant to use any fungicide or Chinc bug spary and so the damage got worse.
Here are some pics:
Here are some pics of the fronr of the lawn, I have had the same problems here too.
Any advice as to what I am experiencing.
seed – posted 15 May 2007 22:56
This is likely to be chinch bug damage and not brown patch because (1) the grass inside the affected area is totally brown and dead; (2) the margins of the affected area are not sharply defined; and (3) the time of the year is not typical for brown patch disease which would be more likely in October when moisture stays on the grass leaves for a day or two.
Tease the grass apart with your hands and look for chinch bugs, then if they are present choose a synthetic insecticide that is labelled for controlling this pest.
dan162 – posted 17 May 2007 09:17
Phil, Thanks for your reply. The front yard looks like Chinch bug damage. The rear also looks like chinch bug damage as of now but this problem started around end of Feb when the temps were very low.
I was on this organic trip and sort of delayed spraying any insecticide till a few weeks back.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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