Bermuda Turning White.

matthew_shaun – posted 17 June 2007 19:02

My Bermuda grass on my baseball field has spots where the tips on the grass is turning white. It’s not yellow, but white. I’m not sure if it is a fungus, disease, or something wrong with the dirt. If anyone has any ideas, please help!

seed – posted 18 June 2007 22:07

See if the spots are next to sprinkler heads. There are some aquatic herbicides such as Sonar that turn grass white, and they show up around sprinkler heads.


matthew_shaun – posted 19 June 2007 21:48

No, there not close to the water sprinklers. I’ve had the water turned off for about a month because of a leak that hasn’t been fixed yet, and it’s been raining about twice a week here. I’m located in NE Texas. I have an A&M extension college close by, I am planning on having someon from there come out and look. If I find out anything I will let you know. I hope I found out quick, found two new more spots today. Thanks!

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