Bermuda & Sand
Chad – posted 11 July 2006 21:08
I’m considering putting quite a bit of sand in my yard for two purposes:1) Smoothing out some rough areas2) Getting some bermuda started in said areas.
Will bermuda grow well in sand if sewn, fertilized with starter fertilizer, and watered?
I’ve put approx. two tons in my front yard already, though I didn’t have to sew any. My bermuda was thick and hardy enough that it came up through the sand and within a month the sand was 90% covered. Though my back yard is where my concern lies since I have thin bermuda amongst fescue. I’m in the process of wiping out the fescue with MSMA.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
wrangler – posted 11 July 2006 21:49
Yes, Bermudagrass will grow well in sand (depending on your definition of sand). Problems you may face with sand include: 1)If you seed bermudagrass seed on sandy soil you will need to water more frequently to keep the surface wet enough to sprout all of the seed 2) You will need to manage nitrogen applying smaller amounts more often since mobile nutrients ei. nitrogen and sulfur will “leach” in sandy soils.
As a pasture grass bermudagrass is often used and a soil stabilizer grass and does very well if fertilized often.
Good Luck,The Wrangler
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