About Internet Business…
cah0913 – posted 31 December 2002 02:38
Please let me know the answer in sructure. Thank You!
1. What can internet do to my business?2. How to establish a professional presence?
seed – posted 31 December 2002 18:51
Gordon, in my opinion, you need to start with a marketing plan, and the Internet may be (or may not be) a part of that plan.
My article “Web Marketing of Turf” describes the pieces of web sites that can help in the marketing of sod (or other products), or by which you can shoot yourself in both feet or waste your time if done improperly.www.turfgrass.com/internet/
The specific answers to your questions depends on the nature of your business, who your customers are, and how you can provide them with a better service, a better product, and a better presentation of your service and product so that your customers come to you.
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