419 Seeding out quick???
Whitlock05 – posted 16 July 2006 17:37
My 419 has started going to seed or seeding out as some people say the next morning after I cut it. I am mowing the grass about 1″ tall. Does anybody have any ideas.
Grassguy – posted 16 July 2006 20:15
different Deficiencies can cause the rapid seeding of the turf, get your soil tested to be sure all the macro nutrients are in check. how does your turf look over all at this point?
Whitlock05 – posted 17 July 2006 05:45
Grass looks real good, it is very green.I spriged my yard 6 weeks ago and it has done very well up to this point. We have only had 1/2″ of rain in my area but I have keep it wet with my sprinkler system considering I have a 1/4 acre lot and my water bill was 210.00 this month. I have been alternating 17-17-17 and amonia nitrate about every 10 days to 2 weeks. I have also put lime out once when I spriged and about 8 days ago. The lime is the only thing that I have done different since I spriged it. I have a somewhat solid lawn at this time, I mean it needs to fill out a little but the grass is pretty much covered at this time. Thanks for your help…
Grassguy – posted 17 July 2006 12:15
you dont need to keep making the complete fert applications, the nitrogen is all you need. as far as the lime and 17-17-17 go, Guessing what your lawn needs usually leads to problems. you need to give yourself a starting point with your fert program thru a soil analysis. lime raises PH. did your PH need raising? what was the PH before the lime application? Soil analysis is very important to give you insight as to what your soil needs.
Whitlock05 – posted 17 July 2006 12:49
The local CO-OP said that the soil in our general area usually has a low PH and recommended lime. I am going to get a soil test done as soon as possible to see what I really need and quit guessing. If you have any more ideas I sure would appreciate it.
Grassguy – posted 19 July 2006 19:53
Dont throw down lime based on his assumption, He may be correct but wait for the soil test.
joeearney – posted 30 July 2006 16:35
If the lawn looks good other than the seed, I wouldn’t worry about it, you may try cutting it shorter and at least ever third day. This hybrid goes to seed and it’s very normal, you can improve the appearance but you can’t stop the process.
For what it’s worth,jo*******@ho*****.com
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