Zoysia tenuifolia
joebush – posted 07 October 2004 13:48
Zoysia tenuifolia sources anywhere? I’m in Miami Florida but any source appreciated
Cary, NC – posted 25 April 2005 17:09
Zoysia does not do well in South Florida. I believe it’s too warm/humid for too long.
Try some of the turf-type Bermuda grasses – some look almost as good as Zoysia!
I think almost anything beats that ugly St. Augustine grass you guys grow down there…
Good luck
Turfmiester – posted 25 April 2005 21:08
(Zoysia tenuifolia) Mascarene grass, and sometimes called Korean velvetgrass is well suited for south Florida, It has a very high shade tollerence, heat tollerence, it is high salt tollerant. It is a bunch grass that looks best when it is not mowed. Although it can be mowed down to about 1/2″. If you want a low maintenence grass then the (Zoysia tenuifolia) is a great choice.
mrbent – posted 06 June 2005 10:42
quote:Originally posted by Turfmiester:(Zoysia tenuifolia) Mascarene grass, and sometimes called Korean velvetgrass is well suited for south Florida, It has a very high shade tollerence, heat tollerence, it is high salt tollerant. It is a bunch grass that looks best when it is not mowed. Although it can be mowed down to about 1/2″. If you want a low maintenence grass then the (Zoysia tenuifolia) is a great choice.
Do you know anything about using Zoysia, particularly tenufolia, on a rooftop garden or in new york?
Tungsten33333 – posted 19 June 2005 17:23
I could have sworn EMPIRE zoysia would do well in florida. It’s supposed to thrive in hot and humid climate… I found a website by a guy that lives in Tampa Bay and said that it works great there. www.sodsolutions.com
empire1 – posted 01 July 2005 19:43
I have Empire Zoysia near the Tampa coast that is the envy of everyone in the neighborhood. It took a few months to get someone to find it and install it a year ago.
JoJo – posted 02 July 2005 08:29
I am also looking for ANY retailer for zoysia tenuifolia in the South Florida area. I know it is widely used in the Keys, and that is a long trek just to buy it. If anyone knows where I can buy it here, or an online supplier who will ship it here, I would greatly appreciate it!
turfgrrl – posted 02 August 2005 16:37
UltimateFlora Zoysia is a new zoysia developed by the University of Florida. It does very well in South Florida. You can get it right now from Environmental Turf in Avon Park, Florida. www.environmentalturf.com or 772-460-5575
[This message has been edited by turfgrrl (edited 23 August 2005).]
Alex_in_FL – posted 02 August 2005 20:27
Empress Zoysia also does well in south Florida. Zoysia grows well in Okinawa which is a lot like south central Florida (hot, humid, salty).
skastafari – posted 11 March 2008 11:02
Zoysia tenuifolia is my favorite turf grass for South Florida. It seldom needs mowing, and gets so nice and thick when cared for it will choke out anything. It can be a pain when it gets in flower beds though. If you neglect it, it just goes dormant and turns brown. As soon as one starts watering again it greens up right away. It does get a bit prickly when not watered frequently enough. It will turn a lime green color when it needs fertilizer, so it practically tells you what it wants. It is very low maintenance compared to bermuda, and with out all the pests. The only trouble is I can’t find any source of it. I have been planting it by taking sprigs from establised yards when my friends and neighbors do weeding, edging, etc. If anyone knows where to get zoysia tenuifolia please chime in.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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