Zoysia lawn maintenance
metaphysical1 – posted 08 February 2005 09:18
Hello everyone! I have a large lawn for me (15, 000 sq ft) and I don’t know what kind of grasses it is. I think it is a mixture of centipede and Bermuda. I don’t like the look of Bermuda and I have lots of weeds. I like the way Zoysia looks, but I hear it is hard to maintain.
(1) What makes Zoysia so hard to maintain?
(2) Which of the warm season grasses (I live in New Orleans) is aggressive enough to be resistent to most weeds? And,
(3) If I put down Zoysia, which variety is best? Most of my lawn is full sun, less than 20% is filtered sun.
Thanks, ever so much, in advance for whatever advice you can offer.
ted – posted 08 February 2005 18:19
why not st. augustine? excellent and widely used for your area. zoysia’s not that difficult, but it has been marketed as an easy to maintain “miracle” grass. you actually have to dethatch and preferably mow with a reel mower, but it has less of a fertilization need and less bugs. it’s just different.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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