Zoysia is light green in spots and not growing
mrmumbels – posted 01 July 2007 09:52
I live in Tampa, fl and put in an Empire Zoysia lawn back dec. It’s been doing pretty good but i’ve noticed spots where it’s a bit lighter green and just doesnt grow. These spots are definately alive but as the rest of the lawn needs mowing every week these spots never need mowing. Any ideas? I also have an issue with my Zoysia curling up after 2 days with no water. Could this be just a shallow root problem?
green in atlanta – posted 02 July 2007 07:12
I’ve had a similar issue with some yellow, slow growing spots in my Empire Zoysia. I’ve wondered if the cause is some kind of fungus. I’ll be watching this to see what kind of response you get from the experts.
docrings – posted 23 November 2007 13:25
I’ve noticed this in areas I’ve sprayed lightly with Fluazifop to knock back Bermuda. Also, I’ve seen this in areas stressed by insects (chinch bugs), or standing water from too much watering.
Stress really knocks back my Empire Zoysia, so that it just doesn’t grow any vertical shoots.
Alex_in_FL – posted 06 April 2008 04:05
Sounds like shallow roots. The sun in florida cooks out the water so the grass can’t thrive due to being water starved.
Try heavily watering those areas infrequently. You might also take a sample to the county extension office and see if it is nematodes.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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