Zoysia in my bluegrass!!
Jeff Otis – posted 19 July 2005 19:31
I need some advice. Last year I sprayed this horrible grass called Zoysia with round up, then used a sod cutter to dig it out. I did 2500 sq feet of this, with one other person. I applied two to four inches of new top soil and then seeded with a bluegrass fescue mix. Also added a inground sprinkler system. It looks great, except the Zoysia is relentless and wont die. I can see small areas of Zoysia popping up and I am concerned it will take over the lawn. The lawn is thick and lush and I would hate to have to kill it again. Any suggestions would be great!
cking – posted 20 July 2005 08:47
Zoysia is tough to kill and left untreated, will eventually take over – that is one of the things that makes it a great primary turf. Where do you live? If you want to stick with the bluegrass/fescue, I would recommend hitting all of the zoysia areas again with a Round-Up type product at least 30 days prior to reseeding in the fall – don’t use that extended release stuff. You may need to repeat this each year until the zoysia is gone. Good Luck
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