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- Weed identification
- Need help…live in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked great…over seeded Winter Rye…mow yard looks awful. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye?
- Need help: Weed control for ornamental perennial peanut (rhizomes type)?
- Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustinegrass
- South Florida Turfgrass Field Day and Expo
Recent Posts
- Weed identification
- Need help…live in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked great…over seeded Winter Rye…mow yard looks awful. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye?
- Need help: Weed control for ornamental perennial peanut (rhizomes type)?
- Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustinegrass
- South Florida Turfgrass Field Day and Expo
Recent Comments
- BishopD521 on Reviving dead St Augistine Grass
- BishopD521 on Reviving dead St Augistine Grass
- Phil Busey on Need help…live in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked great…over seeded Winter Rye…mow yard looks awful. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye?
- Phil Busey on Need help…live in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked great…over seeded Winter Rye…mow yard looks awful. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye?
- Sam Cates on Need help…live in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked great…over seeded Winter Rye…mow yard looks awful. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye?
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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