Lexxi – posted 18 April 2011 17:57
I were wondering how concerned I should be about the large percentage of weeds in our new sod which was put down the first week of March There appears to be an excessive amount of all kinds of green growth besides grass. The grass itself is not ready to be mowed however the other growth has taken off. Atlanta has had plenty of rain and great weather and it is unfortunate that the sod has such a poor appearance.
Is any one having the same issue with the empire zoysia in Atlanta GA?
mrmumbels – posted 18 April 2011 19:55
If your empire is healthy it’ll choke it out soon.
awin4me – posted 21 April 2011 23:07
Yeah, March planting in Atlanta with Zoysia is a tad early in my opinion. The weeds will be growing before the grass gets going that would be expected with that planting time.
The Zoysia should really pop for you in May if you’ve watered it and if it rooted in already and thrown a good starter fertilizer on it. I’m in Central Florida within the past 2 weeks my sod is in full growth now, even taking back a troubled area I had.
ken4255 – posted 22 April 2011 06:24
You can just spray the weeds with a basic weed killer (weed-b-gone, etc). It’s too early to spray Image, I thin — you might stunt the zoysia. When I had my zoysia installed, it had a lot of weeds that looked like long flat blades of grass. They weren’t an issue for long.
mrmumbels – posted 22 April 2011 07:08
quote:Originally posted by awin4me:Yeah, March planting in Atlanta with Zoysia is a tad early in my opinion. The weeds will be growing before the grass gets going that would be expected with that planting time.
The Zoysia should really pop for you in May if you’ve watered it and if it rooted in already and thrown a good starter fertilizer on it. I’m in Central Florida within the past 2 weeks my sod is in full growth now, even taking back a troubled area I had.
I’d still love to see pics!!
Lexxi – posted 22 April 2011 18:06
The sod company now had signed me up with a lawn treatment service and will need at least 7 treatments so now they passed the problem on to the lawn service company which means I need to pay for the weeds NOT THE GRASS I PAID FOR. Should I keep watering the weeds or wait and see if the treatments work????
mrmumbels – posted 23 April 2011 19:38
Keep doing whatever your sod company told you to do to keep the new sod alive. The Lawn service will kill the weeds in no time granted they know what they’re doing.
awin4me – posted 23 April 2011 23:00
I’ll get ya some, probably next week. I’ll mow it up nice for you
Some rain would help cut down on the sprinklers too lol.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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