will zoysia beat out tall fescue?
ec – posted 08 October 2003 22:39
i had a zoysia lawn once, it was overrun by the neighbor’s st. augustine so i decided to start anew. so i seeded a mix of bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass. it wasn’t as very successfuly esp. when it was left to it’s own means for a few weeks while on vacation. (no water, mowing, etc) so last year i dug everything up, and seeded w/ tall fescue. actually fairly successfully. it is only the past summer that has caused some dead patches here and there. but the “problem” is that the original zoysia has come back (as it did during the first time too). im hoping that it will eventually take over the lawn again. since tall fescue is a bunch type and does not spread, what do u think of the chances?i have thought about sod, but the expense is a negative factor, and the “hassle”involved in ordering etc. zoysia seed, not sure how it will work w/ my current zoysia. i’d say 5-15% of the lawn is now zoysia, 5-10% weeds, and the rest fescue. thanks for any advice, help, etc.
ted – posted 09 October 2003 11:42
where in the world could you have st. augustine, zoysiagrass, and fescue all growing together successfully?
ec – posted 11 October 2003 23:42
southern california.
ted – posted 12 October 2003 13:42
now we’re talking! i reread your post again, and i think the problem was that you “dug up” the zoysia the first time. if you didn’t spray it with roundup, it will keep coming back. forget the zoysia seed- not well developed yet. if you want to go with the fescue then follow fescue, cool season type maintenace practices- light on the fert. in the summer, etc. if you want to push the zoysia out then heavier on the fert. in the summer. zoysia is extremely slow growing, as well
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