White Substance on St. Augustine

David_R – posted 08 June 2005 16:36

I noticed this (see links below) on My 7 Week old St. Aug Sod this morning. The new sod has been doing great so far.

It has rained a lot the last week here. Sod get sun filtered through trees. I had put down cornmeal 2 weeks ago to help prevent fungus.

Anyone know what this is? It feels like a marshmellow and comes right off if I pull on it. Some of the leaves are turning yellow and have spots.

If this is a fungus what should I do? Thanks for your help.



Turfmiester – posted 08 June 2005 19:19

It looks like mycelium. Not too much you can do for it. Check out this site on it:http://gardenline.usask.ca/yards/fairy.html

David_R – posted 08 June 2005 20:07

Thanks for the info. Here is another picture from a different area of my lawn I just noticed tonight. It appears to be same thing at an early stage.

<img src=”http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/robertsdarpic/St_Aug_night.jpg” alt=”Image hosted by Photobucket.com”>

David_R – posted 08 June 2005 20:09

Sorry, I pasted wrong html.


Turfmiester – posted 09 June 2005 14:15

I am pretty sure that is Mycelium. I think that site will tell you all you need to do.Hope it works for you.

David R – posted 10 June 2005 12:30

Thanks for the into. I don’t think it is the dreaded “Fairy Ring” because there is no ring pattern. It may be Pythium blight (also called cottony Blight or Greasy Spot). After mowing, I now see this activity in 10 or 12 locations on new sod, but it seems to be going away (we have had no rain in last 3 days). I put more cornmeal down this morning.

However, TROPICAL STORM Arlene is heading for us (Mobile, Alabama) and grass will likely stay wet for next 3 or 4 days. I’m worried that I should have used a fungicide, but don’t want to kill off “good” fungus, so am holding off for now.

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