Used Image Herb. now my grass is stressing out
irongeneral – posted 28 June 2007 08:17
I used Image Herbacide back in late April and now my st. augustine is kind of dying a little bit in spots and getting sparse wherever I sprayed it. I went ahead and raked the dead grass out. I was just curious as to what I could maybe do now to get these patches of stressed out areas growing again. Any help is appreciated.
hankhill – posted 29 June 2007 22:43
Image can stress out your SA, but I’m surprised it took this long toshow. Usually, Imazaquin will show its impact within 3 weeks ofapplication. Did you follow the application rate on the bottle?
All you can do now is make sure its get enough water–avoid otherstresses. It will usually recover unless its completely dead. If allthe green is gone during summertime, it’s probably gone for good.
irongeneral – posted 05 July 2007 08:06
Well I am in Houston and we are getting plenty of rain, it’s not totally dead it is just kind of sparse now, I have raked the dead parts up,but we have not seen sun in like 2-3 weeks to see if it will sprig. I know whats going to happen next. The dreaded bermuda is going to move in in it’s place. I have had my house for 15 years and have kept up with my grass quite diligently and the one of the few times I stray from my normal maintenance because of a severe weed problem, look what happens.
I dont think it’s a resod but I guarantee you I never use a herbacide again. – posted 13 July 2007 15:30
Which Image product did you use? I see 4 different types and am trying to get rid of crabgrass in my st augustine yard.
Almaroad – posted 16 July 2007 12:01
I’m guessing that you sprayed your St. Augustine during the “Transition or greening up period” This will kill both St. Augustine and Centipede. Image is best done during the active growing season. Another product called “Atrazine for St. Augustine and Centipede” is a good pre-emergent during that time of year. Generally in April there are few if any weeds showing up. Could this possible be the problem.
irongeneral – posted 27 July 2007 07:59
I sprayed it in late may early june during active growing and relatively cooler temps. I used the nutsedge. I could have very well had an underlying problem where I might have had some stress or something I did not notice even though it was jamming in growth and appearance and this just festered the problem.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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