Tall Fescue in my Bermuda!!!
go noles – posted 04 July 2004 11:17
Hi, I live in Dallas, TX and I have Tall Fescue growing all in my Bermuda. Its a long story…LOL. Anyway, I concsidered pulling it up, but it is all over my lot. I also considered spraying grass & weed killer, but I am scared that it will kill too much of the Bermuda as we are entering the hottest part of the summer. If I don’t remove it, I will have green grass growing in my dormant Bermuda this fall… What do I do?
volabroad – posted 04 July 2004 11:38
cut it low. . . tall fescue does not grow in warm weather and doesn’t do well cut short. . .I’d imagine it doesn’t survive the summer in Texas.. . . it won’t survive in S. GA without a lot of water.
go noles – posted 04 July 2004 14:02
ted – posted 04 July 2004 16:09
that’s a generally good idea to cut the bermudalow- (which you should be doing anyway.) also there’s a product called Tall Fescue Control by Lesco. you could also try using Roundup during the coldest hard freeze of the year, like in Jan. or whenever it happens.
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