Starting over
rlmstock2000 – posted 29 September 2003 11:46
I live in Dallas,TX and have been battling the weeds in my yard since I have moved in. It is past the point of pulling them. The previous owners tried Bermuda, but the lawn is 40% shade. I am about to kill everything and start over in the spring. What steps should I take to kill it and seed it for the winter? I plan on sodding in the spring.And what seed would be the best?
Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 01 October 2003 11:11
What seed would be best for what? You didn’t mention seeding anything.
Here’s what I would do. I would get a couple flats of St Augustine this weekend and cut the flats into 6 inch plugs. Then plug them into your existing grass/weed mix. Water them well to knit them into the area. Then…
1. Water deeply and infrequently. Water when the ST AUGUSTINE plugs need water, forget the rest. That should be every couple days at first but later it should not be for a week or longer in the winter. When they get wilty, water. Many of your weeds will die in between waterings. This is a good thing. Deep watering develops deep roots. You’re shooting for roots about a foot deep. That way when the next drought comes, you will have green grass.
2. Set your mower to the highest setting and weld it in place. You never need to change if for St Aug. St Augustine likes to be mowed high, especially in the shade. It needs every inch of green it can get for photosynthesis. Mow every week and do not bag the clippings. And yes, I have not forgotten you have weeds. Many weeds will die out simply from being in tall grass. They need more sun than that.
3. Fertilize with something. I prefer organic fertilizers, but use something. The grass, especially in the shade, will outperform the weeds when it is all fertilized. My favorite organic fertilizer is ordinary corn meal or alfalfa pellets. Apply at a rate of 10-20 pounds per 1,000 square feet and prepare to be amazed (in 3 weeks) at the color. The density will pick up quickly thereafter.
By doing this, you will encourage the grass to grow and kill out the weeds. You don’t really have to do anything except wait. You should see St Aug making inroads this season and for sure in the spring. It will flat out take over any other grass in the shade in Dallas.
For broadleafed weeds, I spray them with vinegar. For taprooted weeds, I don’t have any but I would use a tool called the Weed Hound. They’re on sale at Wal-Mart this week for $18.
rlmstock2000 – posted 01 October 2003 11:27
Thanks for the help! I will sod the yard as you mentioned come spring time. I sprayed the yard with Round-Up 2 nights ago and just scalped the dead stuff out. I am pondering my next move (lol). Should I totally remove all the dead vegatation? I am not sure if I should go with rye or fescue. I just want some green until I sod.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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