start over?
luvd4evr – posted 03 April 2006 06:23
I’m really “green” in the lawn care world!Our small front yard is mostly weeds, crabgrass, and grubs. We want a nice lawn of Ken. Bluegrass but weeds/etc. reign supreme. If I want green grass by summer, what do I do?
luvd4evr – posted 03 April 2006 06:24
forgot to tell you…I’m in So. Jersey.
cohiba – posted 03 April 2006 17:44
I would first take soil a test and send it to Rutgers for analysis. They will give you recommendations for lime, fertilizer and micronutrients. Then I would remove your old weeds either by stripping with a sod cutter or round-up and till. At this point any filling of holes and soil amendments can be taken care of. Then I would call Tuckahoe Turf or Bohms sod farm and get a load of Bluegrass sod. Don’t worry about fertilizing yet. Just lay the sod out, roll and water. Keep the water going well into the summer. Then, if all goes well I would slit seed in early September with an improved variety of Kentucky Bluegrass. Midknight or Nuglade is best in NJ.Questions: How is your soil? Sandy loam? loamy sand? Is drainage a problem? How shady is your lawn(if shady you may want to go with fescue)?
Good luck, from Gloucester County…….
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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