St Augustine beat up and Brown Patch??
Javier – posted 26 December 2004 23:17
My St Augustine in the backyard has 2 problems. (1) Lately my twin boys have been riding their Power Wheels around the yard creating a circular path. In some areas there are bear spots where grass use to be and in other areas the grass is thin not as full as before. (I no longer allow them ride in the backyard, problem solved!!) How can I get my St Augustine back to the full and green grass it was before? Should I aerate the lawn along the path? And then spread an organic fertilizer? (2) Not sure if its brown patch or what! Please view at the link below, brown patch 1 and brown patch 2 pics will show the problem. What should I spray or spread on the problem areas? During the summer I did spread GrubEX, Lawn Fungus Control, Bonus S Weed & Feed and Winterize Fall Lawn Fertilizer all by Scotts. Im in San Antonio and parts of my backyard are still very green as my pics show! Ill appreciate any help that is provided, thanks!!
Photos at
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tahoekid – posted 04 January 2005 20:49
I cannot see your pictures. You did not enable them. Anyway, how cold does it get in San Antonio? Historically it shoes that it gets below freezing. this is the case in December for you, you lawn is napping/went into dormancy. Relax, sit back and wait for spring. The thinner areas are going to be fine too. Where there is no grass, well, find an area of the yard with normally vital grass, use a straight blade shovel, dig a few shovel width by 1″ long by 4″deep strips of lawn. Re-plant the strip in the bare areas, fertilze. Do not let the kids near it, and wait for spring. Or you can by a couple strips of fescue sod and throw them in the bare spots. By next year the St. Aug will fill in and take over the fescue. You will then see why the neighors do not like you and your lawn.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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