St. Aug
grnenvy – posted 17 March 2009 17:48
My St.Aug turned from a nice deep green color to a bright yellowish color over nite after applying Lesco 26-2-11. It’s in diff area’s but about 50% of the yard has changed. Does anyone have any idea’s. My last treatment before this one was about 10 weeks ago which was lesco weed/feed. Should I run my sprinklers even more. I’m running them 3 times week now it’s been real dry here in Tampa Fl. Also could I hit it with Iron or should i leave it alone. Any help would be awesome. Thanks
grnenvy – posted 19 March 2009 14:50
I also forgot to mention that I used a handy spreader the kind you hold in your hand. My broad cast spreader took a shit. I’m wonering if I just applied to much in certant area’s and not enough in other’s.Whats would be the best way to fix this problem do you think the ph is messed up. Should i hit it with lime. Thanks
Alex_in_FL – posted 21 March 2009 07:48
How long do you water each zone?
grnenvy – posted 24 March 2009 16:21
Hi I water about 20min per zone and it’s reclaimed water.
grnenvy – posted 24 March 2009 16:27
Do you think it could be fungus
Alex_in_FL – posted 17 April 2009 21:19
Could be many things. You could have gotten too much fertilizer down and burned the grass. You could have disease or fungus.
I would treat the lawn for fungus. And no, I would not water the lawn more as that promotes fungus problems.
Almaroad – posted 09 May 2009 15:42
It turned yellow from too much nitrogen. It should clear itself up. St. Augustine needs a lot of nitrogen but at a slow feed. Think about getting more potassium into the root system for uptake of the nitrogen. Grass and roots have got to work in harmony. A good micro-nutrient mix with iron would help significantly.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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