Sphagnum (?) moss lawn problem
masslawnguy – posted 15 October 2002 14:58
I have had a major moss problem in my lawn. I believe the moss type is ‘Sphagnum’. It is remarkably resilient and persistent. Every fall and spring for the last 3 years I have to rake it out (as much as possible), and reseed. I lime 40 lbs/1000 sq. ft every 2 months. I am losing the battle. That is to say, the moss comes back so quickly, the grass doesn’t have a chance to thrive and block it out. Tried ‘moss-killer’ product, and was pretty sure I could hear the moss laughing at me as it recovered seemingly more quickly than usual. Any thoughts on how to rid myself of this particularly persistent grass smotherer?
farmer – posted 06 December 2002 15:45
Before spending money and time on products that may not provide desired results, get a soil test. Most state universities and county extensions provide this service at a minimal charge (about $10.00)Moss usually develops on sites that are shallow, wet, shaded and with liliting ph. Grasses do not compete well on these aites (or fringe areas) so moss (and other non desired vegetation) moves in. Get the results from the soil test and make necessay changes including seeding, increasing sunlight (overstory pruning) soil aeration and adition of organic matter into the top few inches of soil.You may find this to be a continuing, fruitless battle with nature. It may be in your best interest to work with the elements instead of against them. Consider enlarging or creating a plant bed in the undesired areas.
frenchman – posted 07 December 2002 19:11
Why are you adding lime every two months. If you pH is extremely low you should do it half and half. For example if your pH is 5.1 add about 45 pds per thousands and then another 45 a month later and that should be enough of the lime
mixednuts – posted 09 December 2002 06:53
I agree that a bit more light in the area will help — prune those trees. If not, moss is soft on the feet and has a nice rich green color — your neighbors will never know the difference.
Patrick – posted 17 April 2005 16:47
Moss lawns look great. You should take nature’s hint and go for it. Be creative!
placergold – posted 03 May 2005 13:27
Cultural practices are best for moss control but if really persistant…do what the golf courses do….10% solution of Dawn dish detergent!
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