Soggy Backyard – Thin/Bare Bermuda
cj5bermuda – posted 27 April 2008 18:29
Hi everyone… I’m looking for suggestions on how to deal with uneven (bumpy) and bare spots stemming from drainage issues in my yard.
My backyard is triangle-shaped and has two swales along the edges, which are supposed to direct rain flow away from my house and into my side yards (then to the street). Instead, rain usually piles into the middle of the yard and settles until the sun dries it up – there’s Georgia clay under there, so it doesn’t soak up quickly.
I’d like to “build up” the grass closest to my house/patio so the rain doesn’t sit in the middle and stays towards the outer edge.
Does an inch or two of sand/topsoil sound like a good idea? Will my two year old bermuda (from sod) withstand this stress?
What would you do?
Here is my lawn:
Alex_in_FL – posted 23 May 2008 05:39
Add the sand slowly … say 1/2 inch at a time and let it grow in. Not positive this will solve your problem. You may need to have an expert look at your yard (not a turf guy a storm water engineer).
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