Kolleen – posted 27 July 2002 15:33
We will be planting sod in late September. Due to the drought (Colorado) we are required to wait that long. In the mean time the weeds are taking over. We are about 25% covered with weeds. we pull them when we can but we have a pretty big area and can’t keep up with them. When we are ready to sod what do we do with the weeds? Do they all need to be pulled? Please help. This is our first time sodding and we are a little nervous.Thanks
wdrake – posted 27 July 2002 17:17
To do it right you need to get rid of the weeds. If you are not opposed to chemicals you should try a couple of applications of a nonselective herbicide such as ROUNDUP.
Here is a University Of Florida publication that will guide you through your “preparing to sod” adventure. This approach should work in your part of the world as well as here in paradise.
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