sod farming

chad – posted 16 October 2002 14:15

I am trying to find information on starting a sod farm. I am located in south Florida and need to know where I should look. I need information on everything, for example, variety’s of grass to use or what are the production costs. Any info would be extremely helpful. Thanks

wdrake – posted 16 October 2002 14:41

Here is a start on Sod Production in Florida

Once you have examined the UF publication I suggest you contact your local extension office for advice and counsel. Locate your county office at:

seed – posted 20 October 2002 20:36

Chad, I also spoke with you on the phone and suggested contact with the Florida Sod Growers Cooperative,

They are helpful to one another and have an annual Sod Production Field Day, usually in May, where you can see the big equipment and pick some brains.

The biggest concerns in the suitability of a piece of land for sod are water and weeds. Is the soil infested with difficult perennial weeds such as bermudagrass? Is it capable of managing the water, hopefully by underground seepage to lessen the need for any kind of overhead irrigation? Can water be moved off of fields efficienctly?

Sod producing is very profitable, high risk. If you can predict the building cycle, you might know when to go into sod production, but if you knew the building cycle, there would be other timely investments that don’t require working 7 days a week.


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