Shade Grass
pa********@ao*.com – posted 15 November 2002 19:48
I live in richmond va. and the weather can get pretty hot in summer, and pretty cold in winter.My problem though, is tha my front yard is shaded most of the day, because my house faces north, and there are about 8 trees in my front yard.I need a grass that wil grow in almost total shade.I have been told that I will have to cut down most of the trees to get a good lawn,but I think I’d rather have the shade. Can anyone out there halpme.Thanks
wdrake – posted 16 November 2002 06:09
There must be a zillion suppliers that claim to have shade tolerant turfgrass. I suspect very few flourish in deep shade! Grass has to have the sunlight as a source of energy to convert all the fertilizers, organic material, and trace elements we put on our yards into usable “food”. Without sunlight — no food — grass dies
rk****@ao*.com – posted 20 September 2005 17:47
i also have lots of shade in my back yard, and for 20 years have tried various types of seed/ i loose all in sept/oct. and start over in march. even sod dies….it’s a problem
cohiba – posted 20 September 2005 19:37
Have you tried fine fescue?
AMCalla – posted 21 September 2005 08:58
Grasses such as Fuscue and Augustine will grow in shade, but not deep shade. All grasses will need light. If you have older trees, see about having them trimmed where the canopy is at least 15 ft off the ground. Higher if possible. You will have better luck. You will still have the shade from the direct sun, but the grass will still be able to get light.
Tungsten33333 – posted 23 September 2005 21:30
Just remember, leaves fall in the fall. A lot more sun…
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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