‘Roundup’ use
Brute22 – posted 22 August 2005 07:43
Does anyone know if it is safe to use Roundup on a dormant lawn? We have had a very dry June/July in Ontario and my lawn has developed dry/dormant patches in the usual exposed locations. The crabgrass has taken over!! I know that I can use a pre-emergent in the spring, but can I spray the small, emerging crabgrass (before developing seeds) without damaging the underlying and apparently dormant grass?
cohiba – posted 22 August 2005 13:04
I think there is a difference between Southern grasses going into dormancy and cool season grasses going into drought and heat stress type dormancy. I would say that you are taking a huge chance spraying Round up on your turf. At minimum the crown is still white or barely green and will absorb the roundup. I would not spray selective herbicides on the dormant turf either. Turf under heat and/or drought stress is very easily killed.Southern grasses under seasonal dormancy (ie: winter months)can be sprayed with round up for winter weed control. An option us northerners would cherish.
Just my two cents, good luck…………..
Brute22 – posted 22 August 2005 13:20
Thanks Cohiba
neal – posted 26 August 2005 18:41
MSMA,moonsodium acid methereansonate .What kind of grass? Are you seeding this fall? Crab and goose grasses die over winter leaving seeds. msma comes in straight formulas or combinations such 2-4-dplus msma.straight msma is safer but slower. both can slightly yellow good. grass and reqire two or more applicationsat 7-10 day intervals.read and heed directions .Most msma products can be found at a garden or hardware store label crab and or nut grass killer.Keep the round up ,glysohate off your cool season grass, unless you p[lan onm planting cactus next spring.
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