Repairing damage
hawkeye52 – posted 07 July 2010 12:11
Last Fall chinch bugs worked their magic on a few spots of my Floratam lawn. Nine months later the bugs are dead but the grass has not grown back (as I thought it would). Instead, I have some bare ground and weeds where once there was lawn.
1. Will Floratam usually grow back after the bugs are killed?2. Are plugs the recommended repair, or perhaps sod? (the largest damage is approx. 20 sq.ft.)3. Or should I simply seed the damaged areas with some other variety of grass?
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge!- H52
Turfguy_UF – posted 18 July 2010 09:54
1) Floratam will grow back from damage but needs the right condition to do it fast. If you wanted to grow it back in you would need to water more frequently and apply fertilizer regularly.
2) I would suggest buying sod to just get the quick recover that you want. Also like I mentioned in 1) you would need to keep it watered more, even more than new sod, and a lot more fertilizer.
3) I would not seed with another grass if you want to keep Floratam all over your yard.
hawkeye52 – posted 21 July 2010 21:47
Thanks for your advice, TurfGuy. I’ll probably go with the sod if I can buy less than a full pallet.
– H52
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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