Question re: Bermuda to St. Augustine
nfoligno – posted 12 July 2004 14:11
First time home owner in need of help, as I no longer have apartment maintenance doing things for me anymore
I bought a home (Texas) that had bermuda grass. Numerous areas are totally deal (under trees) and most of the yard is thin. I have decided to switch to St. Augustine, but have little idea of what I am doing, and it seems like I am given different advise by each “professional” I ask.
I understand I first much kill the bermuda. I also understand I have to then sod. My question is, do I have to sod the entire yard? I have been told that St. Augustine will spread and take over, and that I could outline my yard (2 or 3 deep), and the St.A would take over by the end of the season. Another “expert” told me the St.A would never fully take over, and I would have no better than thin patches mixed with Bermuda.
So must I sod the entire yard, or simply outline it? If I outline, would it also help to sod the middle?
Any help, suggestions and tips would be much appreciated.
Alex_in_FL – posted 15 July 2004 16:33
My thoughts:- outlining = slow and lots of weeds.- sodding is best but more expensive
Can’t afford sod? Buy some sod and make your own plugs or strips. Put them on 4-6″ centers and you’ll have a yard reasonably fast. For best results submerge the strips in water 10-15 minutes before planting.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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