Please help me get rid of the Zoysias !
greenbee – posted 08 May 2001 16:36
I too, have a problem with the mighty “ZOYSIAS”. I live in northern KY were the grass stays pretty green for most of the year but, when it does turn brown it’s ugly and I want to get rid of it !! I’ve used a vegetation killer ,reseeded ,over-seeded and used different weed-n-feeds. Nothing that I know of or have done will kill the stuff. Does anyone have a surefire remedy??
sicofturf – posted 09 May 2001 19:13
BURN IT. If that is allowed in your area. Plant native vegetation in most of your yard. Quit fooling with….well, you know. That entity that enjoys wasting your time and money….fertilizing, mowing, weeding, spraying…. Too bad buffalo grass isn’t adaptable in the humid east, until they are able to find a gene pool that is able to. That would be the grass to have. No more fertilizing $$$ and spraying $$$. A mow once or twice a year, a little weeding. Worthy to be god’s grass.
greenbee – posted 13 May 2001 06:15
quote:Originally posted by sicofturf:BURN IT. If that is allowed in your area. Plant native vegetation in most of your yard. Quit fooling with….well, you know. That entity that enjoys wasting your time and money….fertilizing, mowing, weeding, spraying…. Too bad buffalo grass isn’t adaptable in the humid east, until they are able to find a gene pool that is able to. That would be the grass to have. No more fertilizing $$$ and spraying $$$. A mow once or twice a year, a little weeding. Worthy to be god’s grass.
Hey sicofturf, when you say burn it exactly what do you mean? Gasoline or fertilizer burn? And would it truly end the pain and suffering ?? Thanks for the first response.
seed – posted 13 May 2001 20:55
greenbee, three successive applications of Roundup, at about 3-6 week intervals, should eradicate most of the zoysiagrass. Make sure that there is as much leaf showing as possible; some people even water and fertilize areas slated for eradication. Don’t disrupt the translocation of the Roundup herbicide, that is, let it have at least a week to penetrate to the rhizomes before you disturb the soil, better yet, don’t disturb the soil.Phil
[This message has been edited by seed (edited 13 May 2001).]
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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