sodbuster7 – posted 08 March 2003 15:52
Does anyone know how to get rid of onions in grass? I have a large yard and pulling them is not an option.
ted – posted 08 March 2003 20:32
24d type products are your best bet- weed be gone, etc. at your local hardware store
George777 – posted 15 March 2003 20:59
2,4,d good to use, but you will not kill it all with one application. In my state you can only apply 2,4,d twice per year. It will take you a few years to get rid of that weed because of it’s underground bulblets.
Uranus – posted 05 April 2003 11:31
Pull them up and eat them! They will go away eventualy!
ted – posted 06 April 2003 14:37
Actually, I’ve never had any problems with killing onions. But , I am a chemical lawn care company owner. The stuff you buy in the stores can’t touch the professional level herbicides, so i suppose the deck is stacked somewhat in the pro’s favor. 24d is definitely the product, you might try looking at a farm or ag supply store. I’ve never heard of limitations on how many aps a year of the 24d you could use, but it probably doesn’t apply to homeowners, private use, and would be impossible to regulate.
whanna – posted 22 April 2003 18:08
I tried 2-4D last year and this year I have a bumper crop. Thinking of putting up a sign: FREE ONIONS, PICK YOUR OWN!I was told that you can spray the 2-4D on as long as the Zoysia is dormat. During the summer, they disapear.
ted – posted 22 April 2003 20:11
2,4-d is a post emergent product , so it has no preventative effect. if you spray the weed today, another one could pop up in a week, or next year. the zoysiagrass can handle weed control, but you have to be careful as it’s greening up during it’s transition period.
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