NJ Turfgrass Expo 2008
cohiba – posted 13 December 2008 09:09
I just got back from NJTA Expo in Atlantic City. Here are the high lights from the seminars: (New advances in turf industry)
Acelepryn Insecticide: Grubs, catapillars, annual bluegrass weevil, many others. Season long protection with the right timing. Low use rates (16 oz/acre for grubs) Totally new chemistry.
Provaunt Insectide: very low use rates for surface feeders only. (2.75 oz/acre) Totally new chemistry.
Other tidbits of information that got backed up by university research:
Spraying Daconil on dry turf (no dew) greatly improved it’s effectiveness.
Dismiss herbicide worked best with 2 applications. Do not mix Dismiss with nitrogen.
Rain or irrigation after fungicides does not weaken the efficacy of the fungicide but does lessen it’s ability over time. Ie: a fungicide labeled for 21 days is sprayed, it rains 1/2 hour after the spray. The application worked but the length of control was reduced to 14-18 days.
As little a .15 lbs. of Nitrogen per 1000 sq ft. lowered the severity of dollar spot by 50% without the use of fungicides.
And now for the future:
Dupont is testing a new Granular Broadleaf Herbicide that does not require the turf to be wet. It is absorbed through the roots. This should make timing and efficasy better on granular applications.
Heritage is coming out in a granular formulation. It will be on a DG type granule that is typically extremely easy to spread and dissolve with only a small amount of water. Good for soil borne turf diseases like Summer and Takeall Patch. Also will be labeled for brown patch, many others.
All in all it was a good time. The food, friends (and the booze) was pretty good too.
Until later……………..
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