Newbie to TifWay 419 and need some help
DAN30252 – posted 21 April 2008 15:05
Last year (June) I put down 3000 yards of TifWay 419 bought here in Georgia from SuperSod . Anyways, both last year and now this year I’m noticing a couple spots where it doesn’t look like the rest of the grass. It’s really really fine textured grass that is bluish green in color. It’s really soft and there are a couple spots in the whole lawn about 6 inches in diameter. I’ve checked every website known to man to see if it’s a fungus or some type of disease but I’ve come up with absolutely nothing. It looks like grass. Being an northerner that is use to KY bluegrass, it almost looks like that. Anyone have an idea what it is and how to get rid of it? I’ve thrown down all the pre-emergents and I have 0 weeds. I also fertilize on schedule and even cut the grass with a reel mower @ .5 in. I’m really anal about my lawn, and I’m about to finish my yard at the beginning of next month. I have to lay 84 more pallets of sod to complete my yard and I’m kind of worried about this. It was a toss up between Emerald Zoysia and Tifway 419 and I’m hoping I didn’t make a mistake.
Also, one other question, I also have some what looks to be dead roots in the grass. It’s almost like it’s still dormant grass under some of it, but the lawn is as green as it gets. Is this normal? It’s not thatch build up because I maintain the lawn very well. There are a couple of thinning spots where this is very noticable up close but you can’t see if from a few feet.
DAN30252 – posted 21 April 2008 16:03
[This message has been edited by DAN30252 (edited 23 April 2008).]
TomC – posted 03 June 2008 20:31
Dan, did you ever figure this problem out. I just finished sodding about 4 weeks ago, and there are a couple of places that look like the area you described. I thought it might be fungus, but everything I read about 419 is,l it is really disease resistant…
copperjohn – posted 23 June 2008 08:25
Dan, I’m not sure but, it sounds like you may have some spots of bent grass. The sod farm where your 419 was grown may also produce bentgrass.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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