new to Empire Zoysia

green in atlanta – posted 11 January 2007 14:26

I have new Empire Zoysia and it is beautiful, but there is so much conflicting information about Empire Zoysia…I had 7,000 sq ft installed in my Atlanta yard last May (2006). One reason I chose it was based on the assertion that I could mow it with a rotary mower. However, when I do so at the recommended 2 inch max height, it looks like hell.(Not to mention that my mower is underpowered for the turf at that height) The only way for me to keep it looking nice is to raise my mower to the highest setting. Am I harming the grass to let it grow so much higher than the “experts” recommend? Also, anyone with any experience using ornamec, fusillade or the like to eradicate Bermuda grass from Empire Zoysia. I’ve heard it can be done, but I don’t want to kill my grass in the process.

TexanOne – posted 12 January 2007 02:35

I have been growing Zenith Zoysia in my yard for 8 years now. For the first 3 years, I followed the recommended mowing height of 1.5” to 2” and I have to agree with you – the Zoysia looked very bad indeed. It always appeared scalped, drought stressed, and ratty.

I finally figured out my Zoysia really looked the healthiest and best in appearance when I raised the cutting height to 3” to 4”. My climate is far different from Atlanta’s, but I honestly believe Zoysia objects very strongly being cut low (<2”), especially when the hot temperatures of summer hit.

Just before spring green-up, I will scalp the Zoysia to about 1” to remove and bag the dead-looking grass. I can tell you Zoysia will produce about 2x – 3x the amount of dead clippings that Bermuda or St Augustine will. For some odd reason, Zoysia produces a lot of dead grass material during the annual early-spring scalp job, but that is the only disadvantage I have noticed about the higher cutting height.

Just my 2-cents worth…

[This message has been edited by TexanOne (edited 12 January 2007).]

TexanOne – posted 12 January 2007 02:51

I have used fusilade to try control Bermudagrass. Fusilade will control Bermudagrass growth temporarily however; the best control of Bermudagrass in Zoysia is to keep the Zoysia cut high (3” to 4”). Eventually, the Zoysia will shade out the Bermuda and overcome the problem – at least from my experience. Cutting the turf to the recommended 1.5” to 2” will only encourage the Bermuda, and Bermuda is much faster growing grass than Zoysia.

If you have St Augustinegrass nearby, this is something you need to watch out for. St Augustine will overrun and choke out Zoysia as easily as Zoysia will overrun and choke out Bermuda. There may be some that disagree with my theories here, but this is what I have noticed over several years of growing Zoysia.

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